Move to the Sea with Me

I’m only going to say it once
Move to the sea with me
Let’s part
With announcements over tannoys
Tunnels and walls
Battered, grey faces
I don’t want to anymore
I want the waves
And creaking of floorboards
Shutters and stone surfaces
Olive oil and honeyed tomatoes
Stale bread and hanging herbs
Your shadow in the evening

Floating behind me
Cicadas or crickets, I don’t mind which
Low lights and space in my head
Thick paper
And pencils strewn across wooden tables
The slamming of backgammon chips in the distance
The relief of a breeze on a warm night
It’s time
This is an angry place
I’m wasted on battles
Searching nettle haystacks for specks of joy
Let’s be our best selves
I want to touch your finger
Out of time